ASCII Advisory Board Meeting

Our annual Advisory Board meeting took place last week, where we were able to discuss welcome input for the future direction of ASCII. Society at large is at an inflection point: Not only do we have wars on our doorstep, but we also have to meet the challenges of the green transition. As a result, the export-led economic growth model of recent years is increasingly unraveling.   

But these challenges also highlight the important role that a pioneering institution like ASCII can play. Our research enables data-driven, near-term responses to the economic disruptions of our time. One example is the Supply Chain Pressure Index, which we launched in June. For the first time, it is possible to map supply chain bottlenecks affecting Austrian companies in a timely manner.   

Of course, research has to be financed. That is why we are grateful to have the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economic Affairs and the state government of Upper Austria as effective partners at our side.  

Benoit Montreuil, Thomas Eibl, Veit Kohnhauser, Peter Klimek, Markus Gerschberger, Klaus Oberreiter, Klaus Friesenbichler, Bernd Winter, Pol Antras, Ralph Ossa, Stefan Thurner, Thomas Starlinger, Gabriel Felbermayr, Mario Vielgrader, Charlotte Hofer, Sabine Herlitschka, Viktoria Grünberger, Franz Staberhofer, Christa Schlager, Peter Umundum, Georg List, Michael Stern, Martin Kocher, Georg Konetzky; photo credit: Enzo Holey


Unfortunately, we have to postpone the first ASCII Nachtcafé planned for today until next week due to the effects of the heavy rainfall in Eastern Austria.
We are looking for a dedicated PhD researcher or part time Data Engineer for an interdisciplinary collaborative research project on developing a supply network stress testing (SNST) framework for real world supply network data.
In a commentary in the current issue of Science, Peter Klimek and Stefan Thurner from ASCII shed light on the long-term effects of the Ukraine war and related supply chain disruptions on diabetes worldwide.