3-Year PhD or Data Engineering Position
We are looking for a dedicated PhD researcher or part time Data Engineer for an interdisciplinary collaborative research project on developing a supply network stress testing (SNST) framework for real world supply network data.
Communications Manager
We are looking for a part-time Communications Specialist to coordinate our outreach activities and support the institute in all PR- and event-related matters. The position covers scientific, political and economic topics in an international environment.
3-Year PostDoc Position in Supply Network Modelling and Analysis
We are looking for an excellent young scientist with a PhD degree (or equivalent) with a quantitative focus
(e.g., data science, physics, mathematics, economics, operations research, supply chain management).
3-Year PhD Position in Supply Network Modelling and Analysis
We are looking for an excellent young scientist with a Master’s degree (or equivalent) with a quantitative
focus (e.g., data science, physics, mathematics, economics, operations research, supply chain management).