Communications Manager

We are looking for a part-time Communications Specialist to coordinate our outreach activities and support the institute in all PR- and event-related matters. The position covers scientific, political and economic topics in an international environment.

India’s Rice Export Restrictions Echo in West Asia and Africa

India’s proposed rice export restrictions, potentially affecting 40% of the global rice supply, may have severe consequences for several African and Middle Eastern countries. Projected losses of up to 304 kg per capita, as seen in the case of Djibouti, pose a threat to food security.

The Impact of Understanding Supply Networks

Understanding Supply Networks has a significant impact: improving supply security, promoting and objectively monitoring of the green transition, strengthening human rights compliance, and reducing tax evasion. International alliances are needed for such an understanding, as emphasized by a research team including ASCII’s board member Stefan Thurner.

The anatomy of the current antibiotic shortage

ASCII Report Antibiotics Shortage

Global supply shortages of antibiotics are currently on the rise. A study by the newly founded Supply Chain Intelligence Institute Austria (ASCII) Hub now deciphers the causes of the shortage: First and foremost, the increasing concentration of production in two countries – China and India. Investing in a well-developed data infrastructure can help remedy the situation.